FAQ: Can Older Pets Go Senile?
With pets living longer these days, pet dementia is becoming more common. Like humans, pets experience age-related changes in their brain...
With the onset of cooler weather, older pets may be feeling reluctant to jump out of bed in the morning to go for a walk. It’s common for...
Puppies & Kittens: Behavioural Issues and Training
The best way to prevent behavioural problems is to address them early before your puppy or kitten develops bad habits that can become...
Puppies and Kittens - Parasite Prevention
Preventive care is an important part of your puppy or kitten’s overall wellness plan, ideally commencing at eight weeks of age and...
Best Toys for Puppies and Kittens
Toys are a fantastic way to keep your puppy or kitten entertained (and fun to watch too!) however, there are also a number of health...
What Should I Feed my Puppy or Kitten?
Proper nutrition is vital for the growth and development of puppies and kittens, especially as they are so active and tend to burn energy...
Puppies and Kittens—Introducing a New Pet Into the Home
Bringing home a new puppy or kitten is the beginning of an adventure! Watching them explore their new surroundings and begin to bond with...
Healthy Treats for Healthy Pets
Let’s face it, we all love to treat our pets because we want to make them happy! However many store bought treats are high in calories...
Long-Term Effects of Obesity - Arthritis
As our pets become older and their energy and activity levels begin to decrease, it can be very easy for those extra kilos to start...
Nutritional Diseases in Pets
We all want to do the right thing by our fur-babies and feed them a healthy and palatable diet, however with so much contradictory...