Recreation Time with Friends & Furry Family Members
Rejoice! Victorians can now catch up with friends*! Our radius has expanded from 5km to 10km and we are allowed outside for up to four...

Spring Flowers That Can Cause Harm to Your Pet
It's that time of year when our gardens are starting to defrost from the winter chill and come alive with colour and fragrance! But, like...
Oakleigh Central Veterinary Clinic's COVID-19 Protocols - Hospital Status: Lockdown
Starting: 5th August 2021 Please alert staff you have arrived by calling us on (03) 9568 2211 Client’s may only enter the airlock to drop...

Stick a thumb out Peg, we're hitchin' a ride!
Okay, confession time. I don't drive. I know, shock horror. But surely, you say, surely you have your licence? Well, kind of. I got my...
Oakleigh Central Veterinary Clinic's COVID-19 Protocols - Hospital Status: Restricted Access
Starting 28th July 2021 Masks must be worn in accordance with the directions of the Department of Health and Human Services Victoria A...
Oakleigh Central Veterinary Clinic's COVID-19 Protocols - Hospital Status: Lockdown
Starting: 16th July 2021 Please alert staff you have arrived by calling us on (03) 9568 2211 Client’s may only enter the airlock to drop...

Is my dog a deductible?
As the end of the financial year rolls around we are all looking for ways to maximise our tax returns. Under most circumstances your pet...

Have you noticed any of the following from your pet recently? Diarrhoea Vomiting Increased thirst Increased urination Decreased appetite...

High Energy Dog Breeds
Keeping up with high-energy dog breeds High-energy dog breeds make for fun exercise and play buddies - and can also be great “workers” if...

Happy Dogs and Safe Children
Melanie is a qualified Dog Behaviour Consultant and an expert on getting to the cause of behaviour problems in dogs. You can visit her...