Pet Health In Australia
I came across the article the other day, and found it interesting reading! I thought you might too. How likely is my dog’s breed to go to...

Pet Of The Month - October
MANUKA HONEY How could we go past this ADORABLE little girl! Remember, if you think your pet should be our next Pet of the Month, please...

Snail Bait Toxicity - What You Need to Know
Spring brings about a myriad of hazards and one in particular is the use of snail (and slug) bait in the garden. Would you know what to...

How to Deal With a Bee Sting
Have you ever wondered what you should you do if your furry friend is stung by a bee or a wasp? In most cases, there will be some...

Spring Is Here! ...But So Is Itchy Skin...
Spring is in the air, but with the warmer weather comes the inconvenient things that cause itchy skin! Fleas commonly set off an attack...

Pet of the Month
Let's get to know each other, well our pets at least! I think it is fair to say that the majority of us think our dogs, cats, chickens,...

August is Pet Dental Health Month
Happy Pet Dental Health Month! The initiative by the Australian Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS) is an annual celebration of healthy...

Seven Warning Signs That Your Dog Is In Pain
As a dog owner, the safety and wellbeing of your pet is a top priority. But of course, dogs and humans don't share the same language – so...

Indoor Cats
We are huge advocates for indoor only cats for a multitude of reasons. Cars, cat fights, possums fights, to protect native wildlife and...

Does your cat have arthritis?
Cats are the best at hiding arthritis. Cats are even better than dogs at hiding or covering up pain caused by arthritis. If you think...