Healthy mouth = healthy heart
Did you know that if your pet is suffering from dental disease they may be at risk of heart disease too? When your pet has dental...
Reporting Animal Cruelty
What does animal cruelty actually mean and what can I do about it? Animal cruelty can take many forms, not just intentional acts of...
Can you take me home?
We've still got three kittens and one beautiful young cat who need to find their forever homes. These babies are ultra friendly, get...
Puppy School is BACK!
We're thrilled to announce that Puppy School is back! Wednesday nights at 6:30 we will be holding a small puppy school at the clinic....
Venomous Bites -What should I do?
Bush walks, digging in the garden, sniffing around in the shed or cooling off under the house summer is the time when your pets are most...
Heat Stroke - What should I do?
It's shaping up to be a hot hot hot summer this year, would you know what to look for and what to do if your dog started showing signs of...
Mushroom Toxicity
Warm, wet weather is ideal for mushroom development. When environmental conditions are right, mushrooms can pop up overnight. It is not...
Adopt don't shop
Now that silly season is behind us, our lives are settling into the rhythm of the New Year and perhaps we're starting to think about a...
Happy New Year
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone! We hope you have had a wonderful break and were able to spend some time rejuvenating with...
Water for Wildlife
As the temperature begins to rise (even if it is only for a day at a time at the moment...) we need to start thinking about our wildlife....