Kitten Season: What to do if you find stray kittens
Spring is here, which means the weather will (hopefully!) start getting warmer. With the warmer weather and longer days comes, ‘kitten...
If you visited the clinic in last month you may have been greeted by our temporary part-time resident clinic kitten, Henrietta! Henrietta...
Early Finish Puppy Vaccinations
Did you know that there are vaccinations for puppies that allow them to go out sooner?? Traditionally puppies get a course of 3-4...
New Warning About Dog Diets
Recently we had a warning about Advance Dermocare dry dog food due to associations with megaoesophagus in dogs. We have become aware of a...
A New Treatment For Arthritis
Antinol Capsules helping our dogs with chronic joint problems We have just completed a clinical trial of a new oral neutroceutical...
Bones - What to feed your dog
It is usually recommended to feed raw bones to your dog to keep their teeth clean. But is it always a good idea and what type of bones?...
Amelia and Bahar
I am sure most of you have met 'A' and 'B' during your visits to the clinic. You may not have known that they have both been studying...
Does your pet have breath that wilts flowers?
Does the time when your pet had the sweet breath of a new born seem a distant memory? Is the smell frankly awful? Bad breath in our pets...
Do you know where your dog came from??
DNA testing for dogs Do you have a mix breed dog and ever wondered what exact breeds they are? Well, there is a simple way of finding out...
Checking The Pressure of Eyes
Checking the eye pressure in an eyeball can be very important. Just like humans, our pets can suffer from serious conditions and diseases...