Ronny Rao
You may have already met Ronny as he has been working with us as a locum for a few months. We have recently however secured him on a permanent part time basis and couldn't be happier.
Ronny graduated in New Zealand with a Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences from Massey University in 2010 . He has spent five years working in New Zealand as a companion animal clinician in both rural and urban practices before setting off abroad and continuing on as a locum in London. He's also done volunteer work in small communities in India and the pacific islands, as aspect of veterinary work he finds particularly rewarding and an area he hopes to continue in the future.
Ronny joined the Oakleigh Central team as a locum in early 2018 on what was supposed to be a short visit to Melbourne and enjoyed it so much, he has continued on as a permanent part time member of the team.
Clinically he has a keen interest in oncology and soft tissue surgery and is working towards developing these areas even further.
Outside of work Ronny enjoys travel
ling, art, history, reading and exploring Melbourne's wonderful cafe culture.
He looks forward to meeting all your furry friends!
