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CoVid- 19

What strange and confusing times we are living in, what does this mean for treatment for my pet?

At this stage, the World Health Organisation and the Australian Veterinary Association have advised that vet clinics are an essential service and can continue to run, so long as social distancing protocols are followed.

As you may have seen, we are ensuring that you and our staff are kept as safe as possible, by providing a contact free environment, whilst continuing to provide Gold Standard care to your pets.

Our protocols are 1 step above the current guidelines, to help ensure we can keep our doors open for as long as possible.

All of this being said, it has no impact on if you can bring your pet to the vet or not.

We endeavour to give you all of the information relating to your pets individual circumstance, giving you the opportunity to make an informed decision based on your pets needs and the governments requirement that we simply stay home, unless unavoidable.

If you are concerned about your pets health, or have an annual health review and vaccination coming up please give us a call to discuss the situation and ensure your pet gets the treatment they require whilst we continue to maintain safety.

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